Celia Haddon - Cat Expert

Understanding animals through their behaviour

Animals should have the right to…
Run if they have legs
Swim if they have fins
Fly if they have wings

When I worked for Daily Telegraph people would write to me with their animal problems. It became clear that there was not a lot of good information on how to keep smaller animals like rabbits, guinea pigs, and hamsters. Rabbits, in particular, suffered from the traditional way of keeping them in a small hutch with no space to run about.

There is a link at the bottom of this page to the Association of Pet Behaviour Counsellors and the Center for Applied Pet Ethology for those with pet behaviour problems. Make sure the behaviourist knows enough about your pet to help – some only treat dogs, or (like me) only treat cats. You will find additional links relating to specific pets on their own pages.

Here are a selection relating to pets and pet problems. Don’t forget to bookmark this site (Ctrl D), before you go, it is updated regularly!


The Centre for Applied Pet Ethology (COAPE) has details of Diploma and correspondence courses in cat and dog behaviour. Very useful for all would be trainers or behaviour counsellors. Also a region by region listing of COAPE -qualified pet behaviour counsellors who work on referral from vets.

Another organisation for pet behavioural problems on referral from vets by qualified counsellors is: The Association of Pet Behaviour Counsellors

Good leaflets on pet care available here  Put “factsheet” or the type of pet into the search area. Worth downloading and reading BEFORE buying cages or pets. You need to know what they need and these leaflets tell you.

Fascinating free newsletter about animal welfare is available from Learning About Animals.

In order to create a link to me, please use: http://www.celiahaddon.com

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